If you can't make out the pictures, the top of my closet is a mess! No, I don't have a walk-in closet, but I have twin closets, which one side are tops and the other are bottoms. So, it's a nice trade off than a walk-in. On a side note, I've become enamored with a new show called, The Amandas. It's a great show on Style that follows Amanda, with her high-heeled wearing crew, who are called in to homes to help people get organized. There's not any better feeling than having a clean and organized home, in my opinion. So here are the after pictures. I'm quite proud of myself!
I feel so accomplished. Next time I need to tackle the "bottoms" closet. That will be easier, I admit. Shirts are just harder to keep organized, in my opinion.
Happy organizing!
Great job!